Burningman 2015:

Carnival of Mirrors


Wizzard's Photos

Pre_event Models | PDFs
At Burning Man: wizzard 1 | wizzard 2 | wizzard 3 | wizzard 4 | wizzard 5 | wizzard 6 | wizzard 7 | wizzard 8 | wizzard 9 | wizzard 10 ||
Sun Tower | The Man and Midway | The Temple |

Atta Girl's Photos

Pre_event: Build days | Indiegogo Perks
At Burning Man: Gwen 1 | Gwen 2 | Gwen 3 | Gwen 4 | Gwen 5 | Gwen 6 | Gwen 7 | Gwen 8 | Gwen 9 | Gwen 10 | Gwen 11 | Gwen 12 | Gwen 13 ||
Sun Tower | The Man and Midway | The Temple |

Hare Today Gone Tomorrow Photos

Pre_event: Build days | On Playa - wizzard

Asundry other project Photos

Pre_event: Back Yard Garden |

First illustrations of concept and drawings for the ARTery application.

First Concept sketch

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1:5 scale model

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Second Concept sketch

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View from above of perimeter on burn day

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Sun mandala target at top of tower


Some 3D models of the Sun Tower

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Building a 1:5 scale model of the tower

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Cutting the gussets from 1/8" plywood.

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I cut the plywood into squares with a razor knife then cut them diagnolly with a paper cutter.

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All of the wood struts cut and ready to connect.

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Using some straight pieces of wood to try to figure out how to construct the base. Want it to follow the same anglethough it is going to be built differently than the rest of the tower.

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This manniken is 5' tall in scale.

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Built a circular mandala for the top. This is not what the final mandala will look like, but is a good substitute for the moment.

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Cutting the final version of the mandala.

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