Burningman 2020:

the Multiverse: CANCELLED due to Covid-19

Arising Phoenix

Building a Phoenix

Overview Pages:
the Plan part 1: Making Plans | the Plan part 2: Cross Sections | the Plan part 3: Longitudinals the Plan part 4: Wings, Tail & Legs the Plan part 5: Base

wizzard's chronological Photos:
Picking up in Paradise 1 | Picking up in Paradise 2 | Treasures in Campbell
Building Starts | Building 2 | Building 3 | Building 4 | Building 5 | Building 6 | xxx | xxx | xxx

Gwen's chronological Photos:
Paradise 1 | Paradise 2 | Paradise 3 | Build 1 | Build 2 | Build 3 | Build 4 | Build 5 | Build 6 | xxx

Building 4

Up til now, I've mostly building the rings which are crossections of the body at various places along the long axis. Now to cover the surface of the body, Working on the head, lots of sorting, building the tree/vine of sockets and taking pics of the prototypes.

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Trying out a pick head for the Phoenix neck. Just temporary as a trial.

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Sorting out the hammers and hammer heads

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Hammers and hammer heads are going to make up one of the longitudinal patches going from tail to head. Having them all sorted out lets me figure out what I think looks/works best.

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I pick up the head every once in a while and try out some new look.

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Sorting is essential for this project. In this case, hundreds of socket in 3 different drive sizes and then into similar sizes and shapes.

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After all that sorting, I decided to make the longitudinal strip featuring the sockets look like some strange tree/vine of some sort. Look to the bottom of the image to see the roots of the tree ending just above the hip, going into the stems of the tree/bush.

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Shooting some pics of the phoenix prototypes.

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